Certified Generations Professional Training
Business is changing at a rapid pace and the workforce is more diverse than ever with five generations represented. As a result, organizational leaders are increasingly confronted with challenges due to the differing mindsets, work styles, and communication styles.
To prevent and overcome these challenges, trainers, consultants, and coaches need to enhance their knowledge, tools, and resources to better align with the needs of the diverse workforce.
Obtaining the Certified Generations Professional status will enhance your ability to best serve the needs of your organizations and clients. This training will provide you with the knowledge and credentialing to:
- Identify and discuss challenges experienced when working with employees from multiple generations.
- Identify, describe, and differentiate characteristics, communication, and work styles across generations.
- Apply key information about the generations to better design and tailor training programs to enhance overall effectiveness.
- Better market programs and services to the various generations.
- Build recruitment, retention, and coaching strategies tailored towards the Millennial generation.
- Incorporate cross-generational exercises and strategies in coaching and training sessions.
Next Certified Generations Professional Training Date | October 10 – 11, 2019
Paragon Resources, Inc. is affiliated with Competitive Edge, Inc.