People Insights Assessments

Applications and Sample Reports

The Assessments have many applications. Below are examples of how you may implement them in your business.

Team Development and Partnership Evaluation
Use the Assessments to:

  • Evaluate the strengths and motivators of current team members.
  • Learn how to improve communication among team members and effectively manage each person.
  • Determine each team member’s roles and responsibilities.
  • Identify any gaps of coverage.
  • Discover any areas of stress within the work environment and possible performance barriers for each team member.
  • Assess the viability of a potential team or partnership by objectively identifying its pros and cons.

Our Process and Pricing

Step 1. To get started, we ask the team leader(s) to complete a Business Profile providing us with information on your current infrastructure, revenues, business model, frustrations, and the objectives for going through this initiative so that we target our advice to your specific needs.

Step 2. Each leader and team member will receive access to complete the Assessments. From this data, we will compile a team summary of information.

Step 3. A 60-90 minute team consulting telephone session will then be scheduled to review the results, answer individual questions, and develop strong self-awareness of strengths and team culture.

Step 4. A 60-90 minute leadership consulting telephone session will then be scheduled to make targeted decisions about the growth of the practice. The leader(s) will determine who should be included in this session.

Pricing for this all-inclusive program is as follows:

Team Size Fee
2 $835
3 $935
4 $1,035
5 $1,135
6 $1,235
7 $1,335
8 $1,435
9 $1,535
10 $1,635

Please contact us for pricing of larger teams.

Upon completion of this program, additional telephone consulting is billed at an hourly rate of $200-$400 (depending on the complexity of the consulting), in 15-minute increments.